Due to the extreme cold, Fort Zumwalt School District will have a Snow Day tomorrow, Jan. 16, 2024. There is no school and the day will have to be made up at the end of the year. Keep warm!
Due to the extreme cold, Fort Zumwalt School District will have a Snow Day tomorrow, Jan. 16, 2024. There is no school and the day will have to be made up at the end of the year. Keep warm!
Due to the extreme cold, Fort Zumwalt School District will have a Snow Day tomorrow, Jan. 16, 2024. There is no school and the day will have to be made up at the end of the year. Keep warm!
5th graders in Mrs. Sind's class are learning about Habit 3, Put First Things First! They use these Big Rocks to help them focus on what is most important first, and then sprinkle in all the fun, little rocks. Nora and Reid were excited to share what is most important to them.
Ready to excel in your career? Make teaching in Fort Zumwalt YOUR reality! Take the next step and join us at our upcoming hiring fair on Saturday, Feb. 3rd. Text JOINFZSD to 52345 and reserve your interview spot. Looking for educators to join our awesome team and support our mission to Educate, Empower, and Equip Students to Excel. Visit go.fzsd.us/workforfzsd to discover more about exciting opportunities that await you. #FZEquipToExcel #FindYourDirection #work4fzsd #FZSDjobfair
Ready to excel in your career? Make teaching in Fort Zumwalt YOUR reality! Take the next step and join us at our upcoming hiring fair on Saturday, Feb. 3rd. Text JOINFZSD to 52345 and reserve your interview spot. Looking for educators to join our awesome team and support our mission to Educate, Empower, and Equip Students to Excel. Visit go.fzsd.us/workforfzsd to discover more about exciting opportunities that await you. #FZEquipToExcel #FindYourDirection #work4fzsd #FZSDjobfair
Monday was National 4th Grader day! Our 4th graders celebrated with a Connect 4 Tournament. The 4th grade champion, Louis, challenged Mrs. Carter for a Grand Championship, but Mrs. Carter came out victorious!
Good afternoon Husky Families,
Due to the predicted incoming weather, all afternoon MHE clubs and activities are cancelled for today, 1-9-24.
YClub remains in session unless we hear otherwise from them. At this time, we have not heard otherwise. If they decide to cancel, additional information will be sent out.
Please call the school as soon as possible to make transportation changes if needed so we can be sure to get the information to classrooms.
We had a blast celebrating students who earned Husky High Fives in December at our assembly on Friday!
It was great to have the Pack back together again! Avery and Samara were especially excited to see each other as we returned from Winter Break!
Hope it has been a restful break. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow! HS has an A Day, MS a B Day and elementary a C Day. Remember: Download the FZ app. Set your default school in settings. Tap Menu, then Dining to see breakfast and lunch choices. Be sure you turn notifications on for important updates.
MHE Family Game Night is coming soon! Check out your inbox for more details. We HOPE to see you there!
This year's MHE Spelling Bee winners!
Spelling Bee 2023 happening now at MHE!
Do you know someone who will be 5 years old on or before July 31, 2024? It’s time for their grown-ups to mark the calendar for Kindergarten Enrollment!
Enroll online March 13, 2024. Staff will be available at 14 of our elementary schools from 2 - 7 p.m. that day for families who would like to stop by. Once your student is enrolled, you will be connected with your school for resources and information on upcoming events as we move closer to the first day of kindergarten.
Go to bit.ly/48lIGMH and download the event to your calendar today. Watch for more information in January.
There's no season like show season! Tonight, tomorrow night and Saturday night, FZN Panther Players present: Pride and Prejudice.
Coming Sunday on the FORTiTUDE podcast: #FZSupt update, complete with our new student segments. Celebrations, updates on our long-range plan and a look ahead to bad weather. Remember, you can always tune in on the FZ app, YouTube or where you get your podcasts.
Coming Sunday on the FORTiTUDE podcast: #FZSupt update, complete with our new student segments. Celebrations, updates on our long-range plan and a look ahead to bad weather. Remember, you can always tune in on the FZ app, YouTube or where you get your podcasts.
Our dedicated Lighthouse Coordinator staff gathered in their respective teams this morning to review Leader in Me rubrics for academics, culture, and leadership. Each team discussed where we are now, where we want to be, and how to get there!
In 2022, 68% of voters approved #FZProp4, a $125 million no-tax-increase bond issue. Learn about the work underway to maintain and improve our facilities for the Health, Safety, Growth and Opportunity of our students in this FORTiTUDE podcast. bit.ly/3ZJxia4